Thrive- New Alternative Decentralized AD marketplace
Hello to everyone! Let me present you Thrive Ads marketplace today. The Ads are the part of our life already. If you watch TV or serf in internet or simply walk at the street, you face the advertisements everywhere. But which Ads are effective? Are we awarded for watching these Ads? The work of Thrive platform Thrive Labs system is expecting to break the monopoly like Google AdWords and Facebook targeting Ads. The blockchain technology and smart contracts will let advertisers and content writers cooperate with full transparency and data safety without any third parties. That will allow lower marketplace fees. The information from users and reviewers will be analyzed by DMP and AI systems. The consumers and publisher who share their anonymous information will be awarded. And advertisers will receive professional reviews, ratings, advises and trustful data with guarantee of brand and reputation security. The benefits for users: Monthly rewards for internet brow...